Multimedia presentations

Jennifer gives highly popular multimedia talks in person and for virtual events. She offers presentations on What an Owl Knows, The Genius of Birds, and The Bird Way , bird migration and navigation, and culture in birds (how they pass along cultural traditions, from styles of song to modes of foraging and toolmaking). All presentations feature professional photographs, videos, and audio recordings.

Jennifer has presented at hundreds of literary and nature festivals and other venues around the world, including the National Book Festival, the Aspen Ideas Festival, the Vancouver International Bird Festival, the Smithsonian Associates Program, the Delta Birding Festival, the Kachemak Bay Shorebird Festival, the Indian Dunes Birding Festival, the Melbourne Writers Festival, the Hay Festivals in Medellín and Cartagena de Indias, and the 2023 Colombia Birdfair (pictured here, photo by Mauricio Gonzalez).

If you’re interested in engaging Jennifer as a speaker, please contact Hayley Shear at the Penguin Random House Speakers Bureau and/or complete the form at the button below. (There is no commitment made by submitting this enquiry. Please disregard any questions that are not pertinent.)

(Top photo by Paul Wagner; Great Gray Owl by Roar Solheim. Lower photo by Mauricio Gonzalez; Vogelkop Bowerbird bower by Tim Laman)

Great Horned Owl chicks by Jeff Grotte

Presentation on What an Owl Knows

For millennia, owls have captivated and intrigued us. Our fascination with these mysterious birds was first documented more than 30,000 years ago in the Chauvet Cave paintings in southern France. With their forward gaze and quiet flight, owls are often a symbol of wisdom, knowledge, and foresight. But what does an owl really know? And what do we really know about owls? Scientists have only recently begun to understand in deep detail the complex nature of these extraordinary birds. Some 260 species of owls exist today, and they reside on every continent except Antarctica, but they are far more difficult to find and study than other birds because they are cryptic, camouflaged, and mostly active in the dark of night. Join Jennifer in a multimedia presentation on what we have learned lately about the nature of the world’s most enigmatic birds. With remarkable photos, videos, and audio recordings, Jennifer explores the rich biology and natural history of owls and examines remarkable new scientific discoveries about their brains and behavior.

Palm Cockatoo making drumstick for courtship display (Christina Zdenek)

Palm Cockatoo by Christine Zdenek

Presentation on The Bird Way

A multimedia presentation on The Bird Way, this talk explores a kaleidoscope of fascinating behaviors in the bird world through the lens of five arenas of daily activity—communication, work, play, love, and parenting.  It tells stories about some of the extraordinary ways that birds do these things and the secret, sophisticated intelligence underlying their behavior.  The talk also explores the new discoveries that are overturning many of our old, conventional ideas about how birds live their lives, describes how science is making some of these astonishing discoveries, and shows the most stunning examples from each section of the book. Join Jennifer in an exploration that ranges from the tropical rainforests of eastern Australia and the remote woodlands of northern Japan, to the rolling hills of lower Austria and the islands of Alaska’s Kachemak Bay, and includes spectacular audio, video, and photos.

New Caledonian Crow by Andy Comins

Presentation on The Genius of Birds

Explore the brilliance of birds and delve into the mysteries of the avian brain as explored in the international bestseller, The Genius of Birds.  Join Jennifer and experience her adventures firsthand, from the beaches of Barbados to the rainforests of New Caledonia, as she shares stories and stunning photos from her journey to better understand the feathered geniuses around us.  Learn how birds make and use their own tools, teach one another new skills, count, navigate, exercise astonishing feats of memory, create works of art, communicate in ways that resemble language, and even pass along cultural traditions.

What people are saying:

  • “You really knocked it out of the park. Not that I’m surprised — you are a fantastic and knowledgeable speaker.” —Smithsonian Associates on presentation of The Genius of Birds

  • “Your talks were superb. Probably the most informative and entertaining in 20 years.”— U.S. Fish and Wildlife Conservation

  • “The 155 of our members who attended your talk were enthralled by your presentation.”— Contemporary Club of Albemarle

  • “By all accounts, you were a huge hit at the symposium. Everyone… loved your presentation. Thanks so much for making the event memorable.”—Central Valley Bird Symposium

  • “What a fantastic program this evening! I wholeheartedly agree with one patron who commented, ‘Engaging, educational and visually beautiful presentation, I learned a lot and came away with even more enthusiasm and respect for these amazing creatures. Thank you, Jennifer Ackerman!’ Thank you for taking the time to speak to our members and share your work. It is such a privilege to hear from a true orator and learn about these amazing creatures.” — Smithsonian Associates on presentation of What an Owl Knows

Selection of past appearances:

  • National Book Festival

  • Aspen Ideas Festival

  • World Science Festival

  • Smithsonian Associates Program

  • Hay Festivals in Medellín and Cartagena de Indias, Colombia

  • Melbourne Writers Festival

  • Texas Book Festival

  • Cambridge Science Festival

  • American Philosophical Society

  • Providence Athenaeum

  • Denver Museum of Nature & Science

  • U.S. Fish and Wildlife National Conservation Center

  • Riverside Palm Desert Center and UCR Center for Conservation Biology

  • How the Light Gets In

  • Vancouver International Bird Festival

  • Delta Birding Festival, Ebro Delta, Spain

  • Biggest Week in American Birding

  • Morro Bay Birding Festival

  • Kachemak Bay Shorebird Festival

  • Central Valley Birding Symposium

  • Roger Tory Peterson Wild America Nature Festival

  • Yampa Valley Crane Festival

  • Virginia Society of Ornithology

  • Raptor Trust

  • Great Salt Lake Audubon

  • Northern Virginia Audubon

  • Alabama Audubon Society

  • Houston Audubon Society

  • Four Harbors Audubon

  • Santa Barbara Audubon

  • Geelong Library, Geelong, Australia

  • Glen Eira Libraries, Melbourne, Australia

  • San Luis Obispo Library

  • Orange County Public Libraries “Women in Science”

  • Somerset County Library System

  • Kennebunkport Library